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2327231 General English Course - Upper Intermediate (B2)

Beginn Mo., 04.09.2023, 18:15 - 19:45 Uhr
Kursgebühr 131,60 € (Gebühr Kleingruppe: 143,00 €)
Dauer 11 Termine
Kursleitung Megan Dwinger

Would you like to feel more comfortable speaking English and interacting with others? In this course you will develop your skills in all four skills of language learning: Listening, reading, writing, and speaking. You will learn to understand a variety of spoken and written texts as well as being able to communicate in diverse situations. You will also receive plenty of authentic insight into the English-speaking culture. If you cannot attend from time to time in person, the hybrid format of an online transmission will allow to take part from your couch or wherever you are. Missing a class completely: No problem. Materials and self-study resources will be made available via our portal.

Kurs abgeschlossen


BiC, Seminarraum 4

Lange Str. 28
27711 Osterholz-Scharmbeck


18:15 - 19:45 Uhr
Lange Str. 28, Bildungshaus im Campus, Seminarraum 4

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